Compatibility Tester historical background
In earlier 1987 Victor Gashpar started scientific research of compatibility between people.
In 1990 the team started to grow when it became evident that artificial intelligence can be used in determining psychological compatibility between people.
We started to experiment with different mathematical methods.
As of today more than 30 thousand stories of relationships where collected and studied from all around the world.
In 2001 we made two revolutionary discoveries :
- compatibility can be predicted with modern mathematical tools.
- age difference is a very important factor in compatibility.
After that we concentrated on collecting more data to have possibility to make more and more precise analysis.

These stories were calibrated by our team depending on their outcome, strength of soul connection, intensity of passion, ability of understanding in verbal communication, longevity of relationship.
Our study covered different stories, starting from lifelong happy marriages till short love stories, where people literally killed each other after several years of relationship.
Scientific background
The mathematical tool we are using is the most sophisticated tool today for analyzing data - artificial neural networks.
This mathematical tool is used today in weather prediction, face recognition etc.
We are the pioneers to use this tool for recognition the hidden layers of energies between two people.
Artificial neural networks are similar in structure to human brains:
They can be trained on cases with known results and later used for prediction.
Also they can show what is important in a set of information and what is not.
The most difficult part in using neural networks is properly train them.
We are the first to succeed to train them on compatibility prediction using our collected stories with known outcome !
Neural networks also showed us, that from all available data about persons - blood formula, color of eyes, their age difference is the most important for unfolding the hidden problems in relationship.
This is confirmed by other scientists also ( see below Young, J. A., Critelli, J. W., & Keith, K. W. (2005), Buunk, B. P., Dijkstra, P., Kenrick, D. T., & Warntjes, A. (2001) )
Why it is possible to determine compatibility of two people by their age difference?
Because all develops in cycles. If cycles of two people are in phase, they are amplifying each other.
If, for example, sensual developments between any two people are in synchronization, they are on the same “wave”. And this makes them sensually compatible. We give you here very simple explanation just for your understanding. Definitely all this is much more complex.
We are proud have a team of prominent scientists. More about our team here.
Our research and application of Artificial Intelligence, Neural networks and Machine learning is based on following publications ( including our's):
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