About compatibility
We briefly will describe different compatibility possibilities.
Our compatibility is determined on the reaction of our brain.
Case 1. Indifference to partner.

Our body and brain is not reacting on visual image of a person, his voice, touch, smell.
In our chart the columns are low in this case ( below approx 20 percent)

Case 2. Very active interest.

Our body and brain reacts very strongly on other person. In our compatibility charts this is shown in RED colors above approx 20 percent.
This can be interesting in short term, but on long term it will be too overstimulating or irritating.

Case 3. Harmonious interest.

Our body and brain reacts very smoothly on a person. From the beginning this reaction even will be not felt. But with time people will feel more and more comfortable with each other. This is shown on our charts as GREEN color above approx 20 percent.

Red in SOUL means that people will feel that they are different.
Red in INTIMACY means that people will feel a strong passion for each other. Such a passion initially attracts, then can develop into irritability.
Red in COMMUNICATION means that people will have different points of view on life and it will be difficult for them to agree. In family life, this does not interfere, but in business it can very much interfere.
Red in STABILITY means that people will unnecessarily restrict each other's freedom. At the beginning of the relationship, this restriction may not be felt, but it will increase over time.
Red in CREATIVITY (for all charts except romantic ones) means that people will conflict in creative interaction. Sometimes such a conflict can produce interesting results, but in general it is not comfortable.
If red and green exist at the same time in the chart this means that part time one of the energies will manifest, and part time another.
It is also good to have some active interest ( RED color on chart). Otherwise people can start feel too sleepy with each other. From 10 till 20 percent red will not make you life difficult. Read above 30 percent starts to be difficult. Below you can see a good proportion.

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